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GF ... Piping Systems cung cấp danh mục toàn diện với các van và bộ truyền
động, giải pháp đo lường đầy đủ trong các ứng dụng xử lý nước và xử lý hóa
Đại lý Việt Nam - Công Ty TNHH TM KT Hưng Gia Phát
GF Piping Systems Viet Nam Distributor / Hotline : 0938 906 663 / Email :
GF Piping Systems HGP Viet Nam
PVC-U Ball Valve type 546 Pro
PROGEF Standard Ball Valve type 546 Pro PP-H
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus SDR11 ISO
PROGEF Standard Ball Valve type 546 Pro
With fusion sockets PP-H ISO
PROGEF Standard Shipbuilding ball valve type 547
Ball valve type 542 PVC-U
Ball valve type 542 PVC-U
ELGEF Plus Ball valve PE100
d20-225mm / SDR11
PROGEF Standard Shipbuilding ball valve type 547
3-Way ball valve type 543 Pro PVC-U
PVC-U Ball Valve type 546 Pro
With solvent cement sockets Pro PVC-U BS
Đại lý GF Piping Systems Việt Nam
SYGEF Standard Ball Valve type 546 Pro
With butt fusion spigots PVDF ISO IR-PLUS
SYGEF Standard Ball Valve type 546 Pro
With fusion sockets PVDF ISO
Laboratory Ball Valve Type 522 PVC-U
Ball valve type 542 PP-H
Ball valve type 375 PVC-U
PVC-U Ball Valve type 546 Pro
With solvent cement sockets PVC-U ASTM Inclusive 2 threaded valve
INSTAFLEX Ball valve type 546 Pro PP
ABS Ball Valve type 546 Pro
With solvent cement sockets ABS ISO
PROGEF Standard Ball Valve type 546 Pro
With butt fusion spigots PE100 SDR11 ISO
Metering ball valve type 523 Pro PVC-U
Đại lý GF Piping Systems Việt Nam
COOL-FIT 4.0 Ball valve type 546 Pro
SYGEF Standard Ball valve type 546 Pro
PVC-U Ball Valve type 546 Pro
With threaded sockets PVC-U ISO Rp
PVC-U Ball valve type 546 Pro with PPA
FC (Fail safe to close) With solvent cement sockets PVC-U ISO
3-Way ball valve type 543 Pro PVC-U
PVC-U Ball valve type 183
24V With manual emergency override With solvent cement sockets PVC-U BS
ecoFIT Ball Valve type 546 Pro PVC-U
With butt fusion spigots PE100 SDR11 ISO
3-Way ball valve type 543 Pro PVC-U
Horizontal/L-port 100-230V With manual emergency override With solvent
cement sockets metric With electric actuator EA25
PVC-U Ball valve type 127
GF Piping Systems Việt Nam
100-230V With manual emergency override With solvent cement sockets PVC-U
ecoFIT Ball valve type 542 PVC-U
With butt fusion spigots PE100 - SDR11 metric With PE ball seal
PVC-C Ball Valve type 546 Pro
With solvent cement sockets PVC-C ASTM Inclusive 2 threaded union
PROGEF Standard Ball Valve type 546 Pro
With fixed flanges PP-H ser. ISO
Ball valve type 542 PP-H
With butt fusion spigots SDR11 metric
3-Way ball valve type 543 Pro ABS
Horizontal/T-port With solvent cement sockets metric
Metering ball valve type 523 Pro PVC-U
With solvent cement sockets Inch ASTM
CONTAIN-IT Plus Ball valve type 546 Pro PVDF/PE100
Connections for butt fusion
PVC-U Ball valve type 127
24V With manual emergency override With solvent cement sockets PVC-U ISO
ecoFIT Ball Valve type 546 Pro PP-H
With butt fusion spigots long PE100 SDR11 ISO
PVC-U Ball Valve type 546 Pro
With backing flanges PVC-U ISO
Ball valve type 375 PVC-U
PROGEF Standard PP-H Ball valve type 546 Pro with PPA
FC (Fail safe to close) With fusion sockets PP-H ISO Without manual override
5.6 bar control pressure
PROGEF Plus Ball Valve type 546 Pro
Silicone free With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus SDR11 ISO
ecoFIT Ball Valve type 546 Pro PVC-U
With butt fusion spigots long PE100 SDR11 ISO
PVC-U Ball Valve type 546 Pro
GF Piping Systems Việt Nam
With solvent cement spigots PVC-U ISO
PROGEF Standard Metering ball valve type 523 Pro
Ball valve type 546 Pro ABS
With solvent cement sockets BS
PROGEF Standard Ball Valve type 546 Pro
With threaded sockets PP-H Iso Rp Re
SYGEF Standard 3-Way ball valve type 543 Pro
Horizontal/T-port With fusion sockets metric
PROGEF Standard Metering ball valve type 523 Pro
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus SDR11 metric
PVC-U Ball valve type 127
100-230V With manual emergency override With solvent cement sockets PVC-U
Ball valve type 374 PVC-U
With solvent cement sockets ISO
3-Way ball valve type 543 PRO PVC-U
Vertical/L-port 100-230V With manual emergency override With solvent cement
sockets metric
Ball valve type 546 Pro PVC-U
With fixed flanges PVC-U serrated metric
Ball valve type 375 PVC-C
With solvent cement sockets Inch ASTM/Inclusive 2 threaded valve
PVC-U Ball valve type 179
100-230V With manual emergency override With solvent cement sockets PVC-U
Van bi GF Piping Systems, Van bướm GF Piping Systems, Van màng GF Piping
Systems, Van kiểm tra GF Piping Systems, Van điều khiển áp suất GF Piping
Systems, Van điện từ GF Piping Systems.
Liên hệ : Công ty TNHH TM KT Hưng Gia Phát để được hỗ trợ giá và thời gian
giao hàng nhanh nhất.
GF Piping Systems Việt Nam / Hotline : 0938 906 663