hóa chất 1-Hydroxy Ethylidene-1,1-Diphosphonic Acid (HEDP)

CAS No. 2809-21-4 Dequest: 2010
Molecular Formula: C2H8O7P2
Molecular weight:206.02
items index
Appearance Colorless or light yellow transparent liquid
Active content(HEDP)%60
Phosphorous ... acid(as PO33-)% 2.0max
Phosphoric acid (as PO43 )% 0.8max
Chloride (as Cl-)% 0.01max
pH(1% solution) 2max
Density (20℃)g/cm3 1.40
Fe,mg/L 10max
Colour APHA (Hazen) 40max

HEDP is used as scale and corrosion inhibition in circulating cool water system, oil field and low-
pressure boilers in fields such as electric power, chemical industry, metallurgy, fertilizer, etc.. In
light woven industry, HEDP is used as detergent for metal and nonmetal. In dyeing industry,
HEDP is used as peroxide stabilizer and dye-fixing agent; In non-cyanide electroplating, HEDP is
used as chelating agent.
Package and Storage:

LH: 0912.635.075, 0934.826.664
Zalo: 0912.635.075, 0934.826.664
Email: vanhong.201089@gmail.com

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